CAN Products for Construction Machines

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 a product oTKE CAN Products for Construction Machines

TK Engineering Oy can offer several products for Off-Road vehicle and Construction Machine manufacturers. Here is a short overview of the product portfolio.

CANopen Valvedriver

CANopen DIN-A valve driver is a new approach to integrate existing hydraulic valves with CANopen network. This unit gives a very cost efficient CANopen interface individually for each coil. Thanks to it´s design it can be mounted to most valves on the market. It can be used both with On-Off valves and proportional valves. The Valve driver uses a standard interface to the CAN bus and the communication is according to CiA DSP-301.

CANopen Inclinometer

XY-CAN-E is a two-axis inclinometer sensor with CANopen protocol. The sensor can be used for measuring the tilt and swing angle of any object with respect to gravity. It can also simultaneously operate as a 360° sensor. Inclination measuring is based on the high accuracy accelerometer IC. CANopen Inclinometer is housed in a very robust metallic housing with M12-connectors .

PE 552 CANopen I/O-unit

The PE552 is the compact and robust 16-bit microcontroller I/O module with CANopen functionality. Additionally this device provides CANopen gateway to J1939 engine/network thanks to the second CAN-port available. The I/O-unit has got 8 digital inputs and outputs as well as 4 analog inputs.


TK Engineering Oy has introduced a new product on the CAN market, CAN Switch. The CAN Switch divides a single logical network into several physical networks. With the CAN Switch mixed topology can be used at all baudrates. The switch has five CAN-ports, one is used for configuration. The switch can be configured with CANopen SDO:s and error handling is done in accordance to CANopen EMCY. The CAN Switch can be equipped with different types of connectors, such as M12, D-SUB9 or MSTB. The CAN switch is also equipped with filters which can be set up individually for each bus.

CANopen Configuration Download-tool

TK Engineering CANopen Conf tool is an advanced but easy-to-use configuration tool for configuring CANopen nodes. CANopen Conf tool provides easy configuration for any commercially available CANopen node. CANopen Conf tool runs on PC as well as PDA. CANopen Conf tool helps the user to configure nodes for the correct position by using XML configuration files together with DCF and EDS files. The CANopen Conf tool can be used for automatic or interactive configuration of nodes.

TK Engineering CAN-monitor is called CANtrace. There are two versions of CANtrace: CANtrace for the PC use and CANtraceMobile for PDA use. CANtrace uses CastorCAN, RS232 interface, Castor USB or any Kvaser or Vector hardware as interface to the CAN-bus. CANtrace is an easy-to-use software for monitoring, sending and logging CAN-messages. CANtrace has database-support so signals can be displayed with engineering units as well as in graphical format. Log-files support Vector-format so they can be post-processed with CANalyzer or CANoe.